Saturday, August 14, 2010

parents just dont understand

kecik hati?
kenapa anak2 tak pernah membezakan kasih syg antara ayah dan ibu tapi kenapa ayah dan ibu membezakan kasih syg antara anak-anak dorg?
sumpah bederai hati aku mcm kne tembak dgn peluru.
tade sape aku nk cite.
ni jela tmpt nye.
bosan betol.
aku ni bukan jenis yang pandai meminta.
pernah tak mak bapak korg ckp antara byk2 anak die tp korg yg plg mnyusah kan hidup die?
sedang kan yg lain dpt lebih.
ntah la.
dari zaman aku pink lagi aku terase sgt tersisih. but i dont give a damn.
ake selambe rempoh hari2 mendatang.
i try to be independent.
but they just dont understand.
someday i have to prove that i can stand on my own.
sometimes i wish i could just walk away and have somee nice places to hide off.
i need someone to leaned on.
pernah jugak terfikir nak hidup sendiri, kelurga sendiri. haish ape aku merepek ni. lame lagi tu.. bulu pun tak hbs tumbuh lagi.
ntah la tpi itu yg kadang2 kotak kecik pemikiran aku bermadah.


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  2. yeke b?
    ko rase ko x dpt pe yg ko nak?
    kdg2 kite yg x brapa nk matured lg ni mmg pk cmtu.
    tp pk la betapa besarnye pengorbanan ibu ngn ayah tuk kite.
    bile dorg ckp skali tu, kdg2 dorang x bermaksud cmtu.
    pk blk, kite ni brape byk perkataan or kata2 kite yg buat dorang 1000kali lg kecik hati ngn kite.

  3. It is human nature to remember the bad first before the good. The amount of quarrels before the good times. But if you're on the receiving end, you always remember the times where you refrain from doing anything to burden them further. Sometimes, even things that they are unaware off..

    Parents? Parents have different way of showing their love and concern. Sometimes, scolding you is the only way of showing that and sometimes, questioning you is because they're hiding their fear that their children are all grown up and they are afraid that you will not need them anymore...

    You cannot blame them abt that. Even you have a different way of showing your care and love to your parents or even your siblings. You act as if you dont care, you say things as if it doesn't matter but in the end you do care and things do matter only that others were already hurt by the things you say even though in the end it was you who helped them out..

    So hang in there k? If you need anyone to talk too, i'm sure you have your siblings or even me! Coz afterawhile, they will stop being in denial and accept the reality... =) *Hugs*
